About Us

Center managed and closely observed by trained and experienced specialist, psychologist , medical and paramedical staff.


Mr. Nemprakash Khandaka


Mr. Sant Kumar Khandaka


Mr. Inder Singh

Managerial Staff

Mr. Pappu Yadav

Mr. Ashish Pareek

Mr. Shiv Shankar Pal

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr. Ashok Goyal, MD PSYCHIATRY

Dr. Pramod bhardwaj, DPM PSYCHIATRY

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Fiza Hasny Ph.D.

Sr. Resident

Dr. RamJI Lal Prajapat

Yoga & P.T.I.

Kanhaiya Lal  Yadav

Paramedical Staff

Male Nurse -4

Female Nurse-3

Medical Attendant -10

Ward Attendant Male- 6

Ward Attendant Female -4

Sweepers- 6

Guard- 8

Cook- 3

Our Vision

Bhagwan Mahaveer Psychiatric and De-Addiction Centre shall be an integrated quaternary healthcare hub for delivery of affordable quality medical care in an economically viable, regionally, nationally and internationally positioned institutional environment.


Bhagwan Mahaveer Psychiatric and De-Addiction Centre is committed to provide quality health care at the most affordable rates to all sections of society, irrespective of caste, creed or color. Towards making this possible, we pledge to dedicate all our efforts and all our energies.


Mr. Santkumar Khandaka


Santkumar Khandaka
Chairman (sardarmal khandaka Charitable Trust)

Chairman Message

The Sardarmal Khandaka Charitable Trust was established in 1999 with the stated mission: To enhance the quality of life for the people of the rural and urban area.
SKCT was conceived as a dream; a dream to make healthcare and mental health care AVAILABLE, ACCESSIBLE, AND ACCOUNTABLE to the community at large.
Yet these were not the only drivers… We, from the very first day of our existence, kept the ‘Customer’ at the centrefold of our organization. It is building the trust with our customer that has always driven us to be the best – at infrastructure, at technology, at our physician team, at our patient care team, at our processes, and at our emotions.
From a humble beginning to Jaipur, the journey has been challenging. And with every challenge we faced, SKCT team always dug in its heels and has overcome the challenges with their enthusiasm – enthusiasm to make SKCT a compassionate healthcare organization – building a bond of trust with its customers… I could not thank my team enough for their contribution in the development of this organization.
I encourage you to look through our website to learn more about our work to serve those individuals within our region and beyond who have psychiatric disorders, to train new practitioners and investigators, and to advance the field by expanding new knowledge.

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