Following symptoms indicate you need to consult a Psychiatrist/Psychologist


anxiety & stress








life style disorders


sexual problems


headache & migrane


sleeping & eating disorder

WELCOME TO Bhagwan Mahaveer


Bhagwan Mahaveer Psychiatric and De-Addiction Centre  is an advanced and  renowned service offered by the Sardar Mal khandaka Charitable Trust , where lies a dream and a  mission to assimilate the finest in psychiatry and rehabilitation (de addiction) techniques to bring them closer to the common man which was nurtured in the heart of our great founder.

Today, the Sardar Mal Khandaka Charitable Trust stands as concrete testimony towards the fulfillment of his dream and its philosophy to provide World Class Quality heath care services to all sections of the society’ with emphasis on philanthropy towards this objective the Sardar Mal Khandaka Charitable Trust established Bhagwan Mahaveer  Psychiatric & De-Addiction Centre , Jaipur on 15 July 2007 with well qualified & dedicated medical professionals, paramedical staff and managerial support who regularly enhance their skills to provide the most contemporary world standards in the field of psychiatry and rehab. We are a licensed center under the conditions laid by Mental Health Act, 1987 (14 of 1987) and the rules made

Mental health providers: Find one to suit your needs Choosing mental health providers can be challenging. Try to match your needs with  our experience and specialty.

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Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. Yoga is one of the six astika (orthodox) schools of Hindu philosophical traditions.
There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The term "Yoga" in the Western world often denotes a modern form of hatha yoga and yoga as exercise, consisting largely of the postures or asanas.

It’s time to roll out your yoga mat and discover the combination of physical and mental exercises that for thousands of years have hooked yoga practitioners around the globe. The beauty of yoga is that you don’t have to be a yogi or yogini to reap the benefits. Whether you are young or old, overweight or fit, yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. Don’t be intimidated by yoga terminology, fancy yoga studios and complicated poses. Yoga is for everyone.


Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Scholars have found meditation difficult to define, as practices vary both between traditions and within them.
There are many types of meditation, but most have four elements in common: a quiet location with as few distractions as possible; a specific, comfortable posture (sitting, lying down, walking, or in other positions); a focus of attention (a specially chosen word or set of words, an object, or the sensations of the breath); and an open attitude (letting distractions come and go naturally without judging them).


Gaming and meditation have more in common than you think. These seemingly unrelated pursuits both offer important self-development lessons that use similar parts of our brains to mold us into better humans.

Life Style Modification

Lifestyle modification involves altering long-term habits, typically of eating or physical activity, and maintaining the new behaviour for months or years. Lifestyle modification can be used to treat a range of diseases, including obesity.

Lifestyle modifications may be advised for patients who smoke, abuse alcohol, use recreational drugs, or lead sedentary lives. Physical activity is associated with ED, with the highest risk among men who remain sedentary. Of all lifestyle modifications, only increased physical activity has been associated with the reversal of ED. In a recent clinical study, weight loss improved EF in about one third of obese patients. Early investigation has shown that lowering cholesterol in men with hypercholesterolemia improves erectile capacity. Medication changes may be beneficial especially in men taking older antihypertensive drugs.


Our Team


Dr. Ashok Goyal

Senior consultant (Ex Associate professor RUHS)

21 yrs experience


Dr. Pramod Bhardwaj

Senior Consultant (Ex Senior Professor)

45 Yrs Experience


Dr Fiza Hasny

Ph.D. (Consultant Psychologist)

10 yrs Experience


Dr. Ramji Lal Prajapat

BHMS Sr. Resident Doctor

Sr. Resident Doctor

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